Bolognese Dog Breed
The Bolognese originated in ancient Greece. Here Aristotle described the “canes melitenses”, a small breed of dog and the ancestors of Bolognese, Maltese and the Bichons . The early Bolognese were also able to prevail among the Romans. Even then, the breed was considered a luxury and was often given away by high-ranking families. "Bolognese as a gift" was a trend that lasted a long time. In the 14th century, Cosimo von Medici also gave eight copies to Belgian aristocrats.
The Duke of Este gave two Bolognese to the King of Spain in the 16th century, after which he thanked them profusely. So the Bolognese slowly but steadily spread from the city of Bologna to all over the world. Today the Italian breed is managed by the FCI under the standard number 196, group 9, section 1 and is therefore one of the Bichons.
The exterior appearance of Bolognese
An adult Bolognese weighs around two and a half to four kilograms.
Males and bitches are about the same size. They reach a withers height of 25 to 30 centimeters.
A Bolognese always wears a pure white fur without spots and badges.
The Bolognese is a small and very compact dog breed. The long and very fluffy fur is characteristic.
Special properties
The Bolognese is a loyal dog that binds itself closely to its people. Dogs of this breed are usually quiet, but by no means boring four-legged friends. This little dog knows how to dose its charming temperament well, so that it does not appear cranky or nervous. In addition, Bolognese are very clever dogs who learn tricks in a playful way. As Bolognese are very loving and friendly, they are also suitable for families and are becoming popular playmates for responsible children.
What Bolognese don't like is separation from their family. They are happiest when they can always be there and rarely alonebe left. Since Bolognese people are committed to their people with heart and soul, a levy is a disaster for them. These dogs can turn out to be very vigilant in the home environment, but are not keen on barking.
With a Bolognese, a dog breed comes into the house, which also defies age. Even old specimens are still playful and happy dogs that make their owner laugh.
Possible areas of application
The main purpose of the Bolognese is to accompany his people.
Care and maintenance of the Bolognese
Bolognese are quite undemanding when it comes to the living environment. You feel very comfortable both in a house and in a small apartment in the city. A Bolognese does not need long walks and a lot of outdoor activity as long as he can only be with his family and play. Another advantage of keeping the Bolognese is that this dog breed hardly loses fur. However, the long, white coat must be brushed thoroughly every day to avoid matting. For more information about dog breeds vist
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